Hawks, Eagles, and Falcons in Montana

Montana’s hawks, eagles, and falcons thrive in its diverse landscapes. The bald eagle, once imperiled, now soars in the skies, remaining true to its symbolism of freedom as it is no longer a species of concern in the state. The red-tailed hawk’s diverse diet allows it to inhabit various habitats in the state. Peregrine falcons, masters of speed, adapt to Montana’s vast open spaces, representing both conservation and ecological diversity.

Hawks Eagles and Falcon in Montana (MT)

List of Different Types of Hawks, Eagles, and Falcons in Montana


There are two types of eagles native to the state.

  • Bald Eagle
  • Golden Eagle


  • Sharp-shinned Hawk
  • Cooper’s Hawk
  • American Goshawk
  • Broad-winged Hawk
  • Swainson’s Hawk
  • Red-tailed Hawk
  • Rough-legged Hawk
  • Ferruginous Hawk
  • Harris’s Hawk (Accidental)
  • Red-shouldered Hawk (Accidental)

Cooper’s hawks are the summer residents of the Treasure State. They live in woodlands and forests but also seem pretty at home in the suburbs. Ferruginous hawks visit the state during the spring and summer to breed. They can be found in eastern and central Montana but are mostly absent from the state’s western part.



  • Osprey


  • Northern Harrier

The Logan Landfill west of Bozeman is the best place to view bald eagles daily in winter from late November to the end of February. It is because the hunters and scavengers prefer this place for the abundant food it has to offer. The Rocky Mountain Front Eagle Viewing Area recorded the largest sighting of golden eagles during the spring migration. In a single day, as many as 818 eagles were spotted. Popular hawk-watching sites are the Bridger Mountains, Jewel Basin near Bigfork, Big Belt Mountains, and Mt. Brown in Glacier National Park.

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