Mountain Birds

Mountains are home to a diverse array of avifauna, ranging from birds of prey like the Peregrine Falcon to passerine birds like the Mountain Bluebird. These birds deal with the frigid climate of their surroundings in different ways – some will migrate to warmer places during the colder seasons, while others have thick plumage that lets them ride out the cold.

Mountain Birds

List of Common Mountain Birds

Bird SpeciesWhere to See Them?
Alpine ChoughFrom the part of the Alps in Spain to part of the Himalayas in China
Bearded VultureThroughout Eurasia and Africa, including the Atlas Mountains, the Alps, the Himalayas, and the Altai Mountains
Bicknell’s ThrushFrom Quebec and Nova Scotia in Canada to the Adirondack Mountains in New York
Black-capped ChickadeeFrom southern Canada to the northern United States
Blackpoll WarblerFrom Alaska to the Adirondack Mountains, throughout most of Canada
Blue-gray GnatcatcherSouthern Ontario, eastern and southwestern United States, and Mexico.
Boreal ChickadeeThroughout Canada and the northern United States
Brown CreeperFrom southern Canada to northern Mexico, encompassing almost the entirety of the United States
Clark’s NutcrackerWestern North America, ranging from British Columbia to New Mexico
Common RavenThe Arctic and most temperate habitats in North America and Europe
Dark-eyed JuncoThroughout North America, wherever coniferous forests are found
Fox SparrowMainly in Canada, but also in Alaska and parts of California and Oregon
Golden EagleThroughout North America and Eurasia
Harlequin DuckGreenland, Iceland, northern parts of Russia and North America
Hermit ThrushCanada, southern Alaska, and parts of northeastern and western United States
Long-tailed TitThe temperate region of Eurasia, approximately from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean region
Mountain BluebirdWestern North America, from Alaska to Mexico
Mountain ChickadeeFrom Yukon, Canada, to the Rocky Mountains in the United States
Northern Spotted OwlFrom southwestern Canada to Oregon
Peregrine FalconWorldwide, except Antarctica 
Pine GrosbeakTemperate parts of northern Eurasia and North America
Pine SiskinCanada and Alaska
Red CrossbillEurasia and North America
Rock PtarmiganNorthern parts of Europe and North America
Swainson’s ThrushFrom Alaska to Argentina, encompassing parts of the United States (mainly Florida), Costa Rica, Panama, and Bolivia
Townsend’s SolitaireFrom southern Alaska and parts of Canada (Alberta and British Columbia) to the Great Plains in Mexico
White-tailed PtarmiganMainly Alaska, but occasionally seen in northern Canada
White-throated SparrowThroughout North America, from central Canada and New England to the eastern and southern United States
Winter WrenEastern North America, from British Columbia to southern states in the United States
Yellow-bellied FlycatcherFrom Canada and the American northeast to Mexico and Central America

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