Anushka Chatterjee

Japanese Giant Salamander

The Japanese giant salamander is the third largest salamander species in the world, after its two close relatives, the Chinese giant salamander, and the South China giant salamander.... 

Red Lechwe

Red lechwe or lechwe are medium-sized antelopes of the Bovidae family found in the floodplains and southern savannas of Africa. Also known as Southern lechwe, they are well adapted... 

Eurasian Otter

Eurasian otters, also known as European otters or Eurasian river otters, are the most widely distributed species of the weasel family native to Europe, Asia, and Northwest Africa.... 

White Rhinoceros

One of the largest mammals lumbering on land, the White Rhinoceros, or square-lipped rhinoceros, is second only to the mighty African elephant in size. Despite its name, it is not... 

Egyptian Tortoise

The Egyptian tortoise (Testudo kleinmanni), also known as Kleinmann’s tortoise or Leith’s tortoise, is the tiniest tortoise species found in the Northern Hemisphere and the second... 

Eastern Glass Lizard

Eastern Glass Lizards are the longest-known lizards in North America, spread along the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains. Like all lizards of the family Anguidae, they are limbless... 

Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle

Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtles (Lepidochelys kempii) are the world’s smallest and most critically endangered sea turtles. It is one of the two extant species in the genus Lepidochelys... 

Baltimore Oriole

The Baltimore oriole is a migratory songbird of eastern North America, named after the orange heraldic crest of England’s Baltimore family. These brightly colored birds have a solid... 

Cackling Goose

A waterfowl native to North America, the Cackling goose (Branta hutchinsii) is a member of the Anatidae family, which includes ducks, swans, and geese. With round black heads and white...