Akash Sil

Thorny Devil

The thorny devil is an Australian lizard easily recognizable from its spine-covered body. These spines play several vital roles for the lizard, from defense to helping it collect water... 

Arctic Hare

The Arctic hare is one of the largest species of hare in North America that is adapted to live in the cold conditions of tundra environments. While they are similar to rabbits in appearance,... 

Sea Otter

The sea otter is a marine mammal with the unique characteristic of coming without a blubber, unlike its other counterparts at sea, relying on its extremely thick fur to survive in... 


The binturong is a strange mammal, looking like a cross between bears and cats, leading to its nickname, the “bearcat”. Other names include the Asian bearcat, the Asian... 

Green Anole

Green anoles are small-to-medium lizards found in the United States. Often called “the American Chameleon”, they are closely related to iguanas and under normal circumstances can... 

Arctic Wolf

A subspecies of the gray wolf, the arctic wolf is found in regions of colder climates. Also referred to as the polar wolf or the white wolf, it is easily recognizable from its smaller... 

Pink Fairy Armadillo

The pink fairy armadillo is the tiniest of all armadillo species found throughout the world, first described in 1825 by Richard Harlan. At 13 cm, it can fit in the palm of an average... 

Marabou Stork

The Marabou stork is a bird famous for its scavenging habits. It is deemed the ‘ugliest bird on Earth’ because of its unkempt and shabby appearance. The other name associated... 

Frilled Shark

The frilled shark is a “living fossil”, owing to its primitive physical features and lack of evolutionary changes over the years. Its common name comes from its gill slits...